Danville Register and Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)

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Danville Register and Beei

Danville, Virginia

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I The Register: Danville Va Tuesday ebruary 16 1954 7W: sXkw 4 Molotov Offers To Security Proposal the HIW! "JIM re 1 depreciation THOMAS DEWEY ADOPTS MCCARTHYISM! REDS CONTROL A CENTRAL AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS GOP SABOTAGES CIVIL SERVICE! Want to know more? Read The DEMOCRATIC DIGEST! RERESHING RELIABLE REVEALING this un a the it persons i and George each proposing dif jBenson's action This Number 4300 farity is a measure of farm AMBULANCE farm DAY OR NIGHT skim milk 14 to 16 cents REMEMBER as 10 per cent national aver mlni maxl said the exact support dollars and cents for the dol said the the of to disadvantage of the District of West Virginia five cent rates means we over 4 million of construction John wants Big the beat this in a 5082 feet in off Toulon 12 But they took Issue estimate that corj dls that had and iuX At A blimp takes part in welcoming ceremonies as the liner Gripsholm steams into New York har bor marking the return of German trans Atlantic passenger service after 15 years Carrying the flag of the West German Republic the 19000 ton agent do you nrices Increase for butter Watts Jr president York Mercantile Ex fContinued from Page One)' the Midwest will bear the brunt (Continued from Page One)! dropped napalm bombs on Bl concentrations In the rice rich Red River area near Hanoi Vietminh foi I harried four Union defense poJ The rench said that eight were killed and four captured of re up and shout be that bad over" When emergencies crop up people instinctively turn to the telephone for help And the thoughtful party line user is always quick to surrender the line in such cases for he never knows when need the same consideration Party line service is good service but always better more useful for everyone when shared thoughtfully and considerately by all on the line The Chesapeake Telephone Company of Virginia World Depth Record Set By renchmen Spending By State City Governments May Offset Cuts In ederal Outlays might better be spent for siH education and health needs iH red Pollard of Richmond sH offered a resolution for a restM of the whole matter but the Anvfl lean Legion has vigorously opposiB a restudy One highly controversial mattel a method of distributing statJ school funds to localities was postponed today until Mo nd ad night eb 2 when it will be coni sldered at a joint meeting of thfl Senate inance and House Ap propriations Committees Chain man Norris of the Senate Coml mlttee said it was delayed from toJ night because the State Board cl Education was working on a fol mula it believed better than th recommended by the Willett Com! mission appointed by former God John Battle The Willett foil mula would distribute funds with greater emphasis on the localities taxable wealth need and local ef fort and less on pupils in averagt daily attendance Cut In Rutter Price Pro ns Slated April 1 People Joke About Government Even In Red Countries International vessel brought 577 passengers from Bremerhaven and Gothenburg The former Swedish American ship has been chartered by the North German Lloyd rench Repel Two Pronged Rebel Assault Plans To Curb Income Tax iling Studied Explorers Hunt Advance Camp Site In Cavern Bricker George May Join In Seeking (Con tinned from Tare One) governor by reminding the joint committee that the increase would cost the passenger car driver only about $525 a year He said this dime a week would be saved many times over by a the motorist if 'he traveledcn reasonably adequate roads Anderson called the highway System a publicly owned utility and said the one cent gasoline tax boost of 1946 represented its first rate increase in 26 years And he asked the committee to compare that to privately owned utilities Sen Earl A itzpatrick of Roanoke opposed the increase although he said it was establish ing a precedent for him to ap pear in opposition to any pro posal by the governor of Virginia Nevertheless he said he be lieved a majority of the people feel Stanley' would ad vocate the tax increase As for himself itzpatrick said "I be convinced it Is neces But if the committees see it his way the Roanoke sen ator added he would propose two amendments: (1) That all revenues from the Increase go to the primary system and (2) im position of the increase be held off until the federal government relinquishes a half cent of its two cents gasoline tax Del Robert Whitehead had another idea for an amendment commendable candor the governor has recited his campaign statements that he was opposed to any increase in the tax on gasoline" Whitehead said he has outlined why he has changed his mind and why he now advocates the Increase Tn view of this it seems only fair that the voters of Virginia should have the opportunity of saying whether they too have had a change of mind on this Important issue since the elec tion of Nov 1953 Accordingly I offer an amendment to the bill providing that the increase shall become effective only if ap proved by the voters in a refer endum in the Nov 1954 elec tion" Sen Charles enwick of Arlington also hit at the in crease He said it would make an acute situation for northern Virginia gasoline retailers be come critical because of the dif ferential between Virginia and Washington prices Washington now has a 5 cent tax to Vir six and the additional penny Stanley proposes would make the differential two cents He said this would cut filling station business in half in Ar lington airfax and Alexandria and cost the state about 3 mil lion a year in gasoline revenue One spokesman waxed a bit figurative on the increase John Jr welfare chairman of the Protective Asso ciation said the penny boost would be "the bit of dried grass that will rupture the dorsal vertebrae of the ship of the and hastened to say he meant it would be the straw that would break the back Those who assailed the tax proposal had the highest praise for the highway system refer ring to one of the proud est possessions in far more glow ing terms than did the governor or the highway commissioner (Continued from Page One) House Democrats be when Benson tries to put his sliding scale for farm supports" for cheese 37 cents a pound and for dried a nound Benson nrices in three products in the year ahead will be announced later this week He estimated the cut in butter supports at eight cents Benson Drons Democrat rom Key Position Paul Sanford Chairman urgurson Secretary Tom Irvin Gill Chairman for Democratic Digest March issue now on sale at Hotel Burton Hotel Stonewall People's Drug Store Greyhound Bus Station (Continued from Page One) women with him were Mrs Ida Sawtelle a Brooklyn NY dog trainer and Miss Marguerite Klein a school teacher from Chevy Chase Md Despite the strenuous efforts of the supply men crawling in and out with heavy loads the advance camp explorers experienced short ages The 14 men and two women In Camp 1 had to sleep in relays last night because they had only 11 sleeping bags Breakfast was de layed while additional food was being brought up was breakfast time for many but really breakfast lunch and dinner together here Inside the stomach" Reporter Phil Harsham of the Louisville Courier Journal reported by phone He ex plained that there was no con ception of time lor tne to at Camp 1 This camp is set up in Passage named for loyd discoverer of Crystal Cave miles south of Louisville sham described the passage vast ballroom more than a long It averages 50 feet in width and is 25 feet deep Harsham said "the ceiljng is an amazing thing It is just like a plastered ceiling it is that smooth" he added: look up at it and you would almost expect to see a white line down the cen ter making it Into a highway The ground the bottom of the passage is very loose dirt in most places rock in many places but is largely heavy anybody tell me where the stopper (Continued from Page One) Houot and Willm used one Piccard's old Bathyscafes given the rench by the Belgian Navy It performs something like a free balloon only in the opposite di rection It operates from a mother ship to which it is not attached navigating freely when submerged by using small electric motors The Metal weights held to the hull by magnets take the strange vessel down When its navigators are ready to return tp the surface they release the weights Tons of gasoline In floats lighter than water then lift the Bathyscafe back up Deep sea diving records which were static for 15 years after American Explorer William Beebe made his famous plunge of 3028 feet off Bermuda in 1934 have been toppled four times in the last five years three times in the last six months American Scientist Otis Barton using the older type of Bathy scafe developed by Beebe dropped 4500 feet below the surface of the Pacific off Southern California Aug 17 1949 Houot and Willm Bathyscafj dive of the Mediterranean rance last Aug were still short of a mile The Piccards chalked up their record of nearly two miles In a Bathyscafe last Sept 30 They re ported the ocean at that depth had a grave like calm and stygian black ness broken only by ghostly flick ers of phosphorescence suggesting unknown deep sea forms of life The Piccards yielded the pal to the two renchmen today The deep sea diving equipment may be said to have evolved from the old diving bell That had no bottom the water being kept out by air pressure within It has been used in salvage at depths only short distances below the sur face The Bathysphere got its name from its spherical shape It was not free moving having been lowered by eable from a surface I Collins 100 Har as a mile that there over price Rayburn commented that when a maximum and a minimum are fixed for such supports the mum tends to become the mum The crux of the bitter fight Is the Eisenhower administra tion's proposal to shift from the present war bom policy of manda tory federal farm price supports to a or sliding scale system At present the law stipulates that the government must under r' MONTREAL eb 15 Po lice continuing their investigation in what they have described as a three million dollar black market in baby adoptions said today a 40 year old woman now being held could give them enough informa tion "to reach from top to bottom if she talks" The name was not dis closed She is one of five arrest ed for questioning in connection with operations of a ring which po lice said sold Montreal born babies to couples in the United States Two Montreal lawyers Herman Buller 38 and Louis Glazer 51 have pleaded not guilty to charges laid against them and are sched uled to appear for preliminary hearing eb 19 Both are free on bail Buller was charged with falsify ing entries in a birth certificate and of giving advice in connection with an Indictable offense Glazer was charged on two counts of con spiracy in connection with' birth registrations two counts of falsi fication and forgery and one count of uttering Two or three women arrested were released following questioning The woman held was described by police as second in command among women operatives in the adoption racket Police said she had been under suspicion for years but they had avoided arresting her until she negotiated a deal that al lowed Policewoman Theresa Bo gotta of New York to buy a child with $3500 in marked bills George Hill senior crown prose cutor said the investigation has been hampered by the lack of leg islation dealing with the buying and selling of babies lack makes the work of In vestigation and successful prose cution of the racket infinitely hard er" Hill said is not Illegal no matter what else It may be to buy or sell babies in Canada nor Is participation in any scheme to obtain money in such fashion Il legal unless other crimes are com mitted In its furtherance falsification of offi cial documents forgery uttering and fraud are always crimes no matter in what connection they are Police said evidence obtained from the woman now being held together with information obtained from files seized in her home in dicated an organization that dipped into a number of nurseries social agencies and other similar organi zations 11111 said the investigation will be lengthy as police have to wade through evidence gathered on both sides of the border Assistant District Attorney Er nest Mitler of New York remained here to exchange further evidence (with local authorities He is be lieved to have supplied the names of a number of New Yorkers who purchased babies and now are will ing to disclose the circ*mstances Mount cited one Instance where a 10 year state employe had ac cumulated more than '200 days of holiday vacation and sick leave The Senate passed the bill to giye Grayson and Giles counties an early shooting season from Sept 15 Oct 15 and a later one from the third Monday in No vember until Jan 1 It has been a hot political Issue In Grayson Among other bills passed in the Senate were the enwick bill re pealing the requirement that groups soliciting funds for medical care and research must spend less than 20 per cent of the funds col lected on administration the Gray Moses bill to permit the governor to close hunting seasons during periods of serious fire hazards and to extend them for the time closed except where closing dates are fixed by federal law the Richeson Perrow bill to divide into three questions local option elections on sale of alcoholics so that there will be separate votes on beer wine and distilled spirits and the Baldwin Breeden bill to prohibit a reckless driving conviction against a motorist who inadvert ently passed a halted school bus which properly identified The House passed the McMur ran bill for the financing of a Hampton Roads tunnel under the Revenue Bond Act and the Rob erts bill permitting the ABC Board i to limit applications for licenses to one year from the same person and to require if desired that the applicant be a resident for a year Chairman Howard Adams of the House Appropriations Committee I said today a compromise was being i considered to settle the dispute i over construction of a million lar State War Memorial He the committee might trim amount to $750000 Under new proposal the memorial would not Include office space for vet erans organizations and state agen cies as originally contemplated It would include an auditorium for conventions and a of Mem listing the names of World War II dead and Korean war dead The memorial has been approved by two previous Legislatures but many legislators have criticized the large outlay and said the funds (Continued from Page One) With those reports state and local governments became a dar ling of government economists who are now watching the financ ing budgets bank accounts and spending plans of states counties and municipalities with a respect ful attention they have seldom ceived here The ederal Reserve Bank Chicago said in its ebruary port on business conditions that state and local governments have backlogs of construction projects probably worth about 100 billion dollars This report less optimistic than some about futufe state and local spending said it would con tinue to increase the near term but might be cut short by any definite economic downturn or by reaching a limit to rising revenues (Continued from Page One) permitted to do so an Internal Revenue spokesman said He ex plained the plan was devised main ly for taxpayers whose taxes are withheld and who use the standard 10 per cent deduction for per sonal expenses taxes and contri Any one who wanted to itemize his deductions would have to make out a return Andrews told the congressmen the plan would save 35 million dollars a year in reduced paper work for the Internal Revenue Service although it would add 10 million In costs torthe Social Se curity Administration It would 'leave onlyabout 20 million of the taxpayers still filing federal returns Outlining other plans aimed at improving the tax collection ma chinery Andrews said he plans to double the present staff of 8000 revenue agents to stem a growing tide of tax evasion The Mhyscafe submerges navi gates below the surface Mid rises This prompted Del William Irvine of Campbell county chair man of the House Roads Com mittee to agree with the op ponents on the quality of the system and urged that the tax be Increased to keep it that way Irvine said he couldn follow the reasoning of the spokesmen who complimented the highway system and then questioned the judgment of the highway com missioner who had a big hand In on what should be done to keep it that way He said the same Issues were raised against the Increase by the petroleum companies and dealers in 1946 and none of the dire things they predicted had come to pass He observed too that while Vir ginia upped the tax since 1946 the oil companies certain ly couldn't say the same for the cost of oil and gasoline Both sides had charts on dis play in an effort to make their points graphic Graham Pembroke of the Virginia Petro leum Industries Committee said there was no question of a re duction in highway revenue and that with the present 6 cent tax highway receipts had been grow ing by leaps and bounds year after year are not faced with a problem of rising construction he said now show actually a downward trend an encouraging sign that the Virginia highway dollar can now be expected to buy more not less than In recent years Virginia highway users are already paying road taxes that are as much higher than the Pembroke also with the prewar highway dollar now bought only 41 cents worth of highway Nationally he said the highway dollar was worth 45 cents and must have lost dollars worth just last year through special Virginia Collar He noted that North Carolina Tennessee and Kentucky now have 7 cent taxes which gives an advantage to Virginia deal ers along the border An in crease he argued would re move this advantage and work to the further dealers near Columbia and which have Maryland has a six cent rate Assistant Chief Engineer Bur ton Marye Jr of the Highway Department offered his charts to show that highway needs have far outstripped available funds since 1947 that It would take 80 million dollars Just to meet the requirements for four lane divided highways This is based on assuming that a 4 000 vehicle a day road calls for four lanes which cost $230000 a mile He showed also that from a safety standpoint alone a four lane limited access high way such as the Shirley High way near Washington has a safety factor far superior to the usual undivided highway A check showed a stretch of Shir ley with a death rate of 37 per hundred million miles traveled compared to a rate nf 153 for a commensurate stretch of divided US 1 TS A A A a Connfo A eyri zmi If uro Bricker told reporters that hel'upportcd Secretarv of Agriculture lie saiu in uie long nni he believes diirv farmers will ifn as the demand Jewell vn of the New change forecast a unsuree tn butter purchasing by and said that as a re a drastic effect on dairy In Yearly subscriptions available through any member of the DANVILLE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE (Continued from Page One) cer had said earlier that Molotov replied is not against Western officials viewed the Russian tactics as aimed at dragging them into another blind alley debate for Red propa ganda purposes These officials made clear they want no further futile argument on Germany and European secur ity problems wherein Molotov has sought to clinch Soviet domination on the European continent The Big our shift back tomor row to discuss the Austrian inde pendence treaty with little hope it will be concluded here Austrian oreign Minister Leo pold igi who came here to take part in discussion of the treaty briefed his government by tele phone today He is expected to present his formal answer tomorrow to pro posal to keep Soviet troops in Aus tria as long as Germany is divid ed between East and West Tn a two hour secret talk this morning the Big our failed for the fourth time to agree on how to approach peace negotiations In Asia Molotov stuck by his demands for full equality for Red China in convening the Korean peace par ley The West refused to consider the Communist Chinese as co sponsors instead of Invited participants With the conference about to die Thursday Molotov offered vague of the Soviet idea of European security Then he inquired: the governments of rance Britain and the United States for or against the idea of collective security in Europe? "If our proposal is unaccept able then we ask for another pro posal which would realize goal" US Secretary of State oster Dulles retorted he security for all the world "I am very skeptical that any good can come out of the plan sub mitted by the Soviet foreign min Dulles said "It would not accomplish security because it would not be in line with reality The North Atlantic treaty for ex ample Is effective because the people bound by It are actually bound by blood which has been shed in protecting their common heritage of freedom over many generations Molotov has asked us to study pi eelse words' of his European proposal The essence Is not the words but whether in fact the proposal will bring a fidence which will end the unity of Dulles recalled to Molotov the North Atlantic alliance grown out of Western after Communist aggression in Greece the Red 1 putsch in Czechoslovakia and Soviet blockade of Berlin Continued from Pate One) laborer who spoke highly of the Communists "People can say what they like about the the labor er as far as con cerned rather work for them than anyone said the "And what type of work do?" said the laborer grave Or the fellow In the Hungarian cafe He pointed out that the Com munists had promised to alse liv ing standards 50 per cent by last May 1 done it all right" the fellow said "Earlier the workers were starving and shivering Now May 1st and only starving Old jokes never die as every vaudeville fan learns when lie buys his first television set This is an oidtlmer but it bobbed up recently in Eastern Germany A man was standing by the river ready to end it all A politi cal agitator dashed ed: "Things Come talk it You doubtless know the kicker line Two hours later they come back and both jump in Police Press Probe Of Big Baby Racket 'i Stanley Makes Personal Plea or Gasoline Tax Increase INTRODUCING JIM th most teMational invention Im history of the artificial minnow that ho more live bait to buy Th is the lure aees4 the 20th century I IT no spring uses no fuel it rl long at you leave it in the water Swims by 4 process of balance and gravity ish any fl in lake stream gulf bay Any fish tfl strike a minnow will strike JIM B0 This is fl get Looks and swims like a lirt minnow This Is the lure ol an beautiful silvJ plastic Buy one for your friends also Satiatm guaranteed Send $100 only tor each hire! check or cash We pay postage TACKLE CO PO Box 71 Largo! ferent version now are in stantial on the need for a curb and that they may act together later on precise language Such a compromise arrange ment would improve the chances of getting some sort of check rein legislation through the Senate A two thirds vote of those presenti'ult of the sten "the government and voting is required to pass aimav 'oon he out of the butter busi constitutional amendment Then must be approved by a similar Benson told a news conference vote in the House and bv the legis that sunnorts for dairy products latures of 36 of the 48 states butter cheese and dried skim milk The rollcall requirement sug wil be reduced from the cur gested bv erguson has the ap lrent 90 Der cent of parity to the proval of the White IJouse and isjlegal minimum of 75 per cent for supported in principle by many the marketing year beginning Democrats since many treaties April 1 have been ratified in the past with faritv Is a measure of farm only a handful of senators on the mricw Hcn'arcd bv law to be fair floor to farmers in relation tn nrices But many Democrats do not thev must pav for necessities think necessary to go to the! The Present nrice support for country on the issue with a con ibutter is about cents a pound stitutional amendment A vote on the erguson proposal is expected tomorrow Bricker heads a group of sena tors who want a strong check on 'frpnf mulclntf nnu orc ftpnrao has write th nation's farmers by sup offered a modified amendment porting farm prices at 90 per cent which has substantial Democratic of parity on basic crops Isupport I irst German Liner In 15 Years Reaches New York (Continued from Page One) Another development today was ft afnlamanf Rsr RyloVor fhnf it IT15IV be passible for him to join forcesof reduction and It will have i ei i iffeirxt rxrv (oirv lra whii oeu ueurge spun soring some form of amendment a 11 AV I A A curu me scope ui uvaucs aiiu other pacts County Sales Tax Bill To Get Added Study Compromise On War Memorial Plan Offered (Continued from Page One) 1 after regular sessions of the two houses The calendars for the most part were devoid of bills to bring out debate The Assembly met at noon and most of the delegates came to the Senate chamber to witness the un veiling of a portrait of the late Lt Gov Preston Collins With galleries packed and stand ing room at a premium Sen Nor ris dean of Virginia's lawmakers presented the portrait and it was dean of lawmakers pre sented the portrait and it was un veiled by Collins Jr a It was accepted by Sen Curry Carter of Staunton for the Senate After Sens Earl itzpatrick of Roanoke Caudill of Giles Edward Breeden Jr of Norfolk and Ted Dalton had joined Nor ris and Carte and Lt Gov A is Stephens in a tribute to charcter and service Collins Jr was recognized and thanked the Senale on behalf of the family He was accompanied to the unveiling by his mother The painting hangs in a niche in the Senate chamber formerly used for a portrait for James Price which was moved to the Hall of Governors The House today passed and sent to the governor the Senate bill setting up the authority for Virginia to join Kentucky in an interstate park where the Sandy River breaks through Cumberland Mountains The Senate passed 24 to 12 enwick bill to permit a locality to conduct ah election on whether federal employes can hold state and local office The state general law forbidding this has been on the books since 1788 An exception for Arlington County just across the river from Washington was thrown out by the Virginia Su preme Court of Appeals forcing three members of the Arlington County Board out of office The Senate took up out of order and passed a bill for the establish i ment of a state forest preserve in Goshen Pass Rockbridge County long considered one of the most beautiful areas At the request of Its author Sen Alfred Etheridge the Senate skipped over the measure to per mit Princess Anne County to be come a city Norfolk senators who have denounced the bill as a back door method of blocking any an nexation moves by Norfolk or Virginia Beach did not oppose motion today Ap parently they fell that the bill which was advanced to third read ing by a vote of 18 to 16 can never get the 27 votes required for a charter bill The delegates debated for some time before advancing to third reading the Witten bill to reduce the number of holidays for state employes from 13 to and they added another January 19 as Lee Jackson Day to make the total 9 Gov Stanley recommended al reduction The vote to advance i was 66 to 30 and after the! House had refused to send the bill back to a committee for further study Del Robert Whitehead of Nel son said the bill would ask state employes to do an extra work without pay Proponents said it would bring state employes! more in line with those In private industry but Whitehead said the state paid lower salaries and would find it harder to get efficient per sonnel Bradie Allman of Rocky I SWIC EGOOD UNERAL HOME i 1 ti I Xtrvffi'' 6 lll SWIC EGOOD UNERAL HOME i 1 ti I Xtrvffi'' 6 kill.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.